Articles about libraries
and librarianship

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Libraries are really about organizing. A good library is the quintessential form of organizing large masses of information that are created in different formats and media.

Anything can be organized within the library and anything can be organized in different ways and according to different philosophies, resources, and certainly based on the differing ability of the organizer - the librarian.

The differing forms of classification that are presented in library schools as well as the various ways of organizing that are presented in this website show a part of the wide range of options available to a librarian. The librarian, of course, also has the additional option of creating an organizational scheme that is called a classification scheme, of making one herself and this scheme or system of organizing will be the specialized way in which her own library will be organized, different from anything else. A librarian who has a feel for the different kinds of books in the library, will certainly be able to create a new system which will be just right for the needs of that particular library.

In principle there is nothing wrong with the librarian organizing the library using her own system. The negative points are the time and effort that are required in order to develop the system and the fact that the library cannot fit in with the general scheme of libraries. Experts in using a library will not be able to find their way in your library with your own system until they get used to it. Whereas, those who are experts in other forms of library organizations will just be able to move right ahead and go through the library without additional assistance. In addition, inter-library loans might be easier if you follow one of the generally accepted library systems.

Is this an good reason for avoiding a library system of your own? Not necessarily. Consideration thought will have to go into it because the situation is all but irreversible. It is best to think about the library organization from the point of view of the users and to find the best way that they will be able to locate the materials that they need.

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