Articles about libraries
and librarianship

Before developing the current indexing scheme, it was difficult to find specific articles, since they are scattered throughout the websites in this series. In addition, the title of an article did not always reveal the full content.

For example, a number of articles relate to Achdut, Jewish unity. The articles are included in various websites, each one reflecting a particular aspect of Achdut. The reader should read all of those articles in order to obtain a full picture of the content. These indexes help readers associate all of those related articles.

The section that you are currently reading explains the plan for indexing these websites. It is based on several resources:

These websites are still under construction, but they already have a great deal of information. Please avail yourself of their content.

Other resources, such as give information about the various forums in this series. In addition, offers a full list of other resources.

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