אמור לי מי חברך Some people check out their potential date before going out. They feel that dates are not meant only for entertainment or fun.
The following stages will help you determine whether a candidate meets your list of requirements:
Your goal is to find out as much as you can from your potential date's friends, acquaintances, and contacts. Prepare a list of the important questions before picking up the phone, in order to be sure that the conversation will flow.
In some exceptional cases, you may decide to visit a person who has information. That face-to-face visit can be very revealing.
You have very limited time to obtain this information about your potential date. After all, since you have already determined that the person may be acceptable, nobody wants to delay matters. Furthermore, the basic issues have already been verified by the person who offered the match.
If you are very lucky, the preliminary phone calls - called Berurim - may give you additional, useful information that can help you make a positive or negative decision. It will also help you plan what to discuss in peson, if you do decide to go on that first date.
These Berurim may reveal confidential information. Please maintain that confidence, even if you stop dating the person. Do not tell the date that you have this information, or who gave you confidential information.
However, you may verify the information in an indirect and discreet manner.
If you reach a positive decision, then you have the potential to determine whether both of you feel any chemistry towards each other.
ואומר לך מי אתה
- Jewish proverb.
When the character of a man
is not clear to you,
look at his friends
- Japanese Proverb
Stage I: You've received an offer
Stage II: The phone calls
Stage III: Will it work?
See the next article in this series
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