You may have heard some people exclaim radiantly that the pre-nuptual dating period is the happiest, most joyous, most pleasurable, and most carefree in their lives.
However, that is not usually the case.
It is more likely that your courtship period will be filled with stress, anxiety, anguish, difficulties, harshness, problems, a lack of certainty, and difficulties making decisions.
True, most people put on a big smile and a happy face throughout this dating period. That's part of the game, and they well may be unbelievably happy sometimes - but not always.
Therefore, don't worry if everything seems to frustrate you or go wrong at this time. You are not alone.
On the other hand, don't be blasé because you expect this to be a difficult period. Do remain on the qui vive. Try to find the good in your date, but also look for warning signs that may indicate whether you should rethink this match.
It is important to find a happy medium. Don't be too relaxed, and don't be too tense. Don't be too sure of yourself, and don't be carefree. Don't assume that you know everything you need to know, and don't act as if you know nothing about your date.
This is a time to make decisions about your partner for life. It's not a time to make assumptions based on past events. Learn about your partner during each date, and then you'll be in a position to make a wise decision about your future life together.
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