It is proper and expected that the young couple give due thought to their decision about getting married before the time occurs. They should take the time that is needed, although without overdoing it, and then make the right decision hopefully with the assistance of their confidant.
However, having made that decision and once the couple is married it is not a good idea to think too much about whether it was the right decision or the right choice or whether they should have waited or whether they should have listened to other people's advice or any other considerations. All of these thoughts are acceptable before marriage. But following the marriage they all must be terminated.
King Solomon correctly noted that there is a time for everything. There is also a time for thinking and a time not to think. The times cannot be interchanged.
In other words, if you did not think enough before getting married, then you have made a mistake but you can't compensate for it by thinking later. That's the wrong time to think. It's not fair to yourself. It's not fair to your spouse. It's not fair to your children whether they are born or not born. It's not fair to your future. There is nothing fair about it.
Give all the thought you want to marriage before you stand under the chupah.
After you do stand under the chupah, that means after you have made your decision...
Don't think!
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Keywords: Decisions, Time