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How to
Accomplish what you can

on the essentials,
we will then be accomplishing
the greatest possible results
with the effort expended
- Ted W. Engstrom

What is the best way to discuss your child's plan of life?

Don't suggest that it is time to sit down and plan out his life. That would make him feel that you are interfering with or taking over his life, and you may be rejected.

Instead, try to initiate a friendly conversation, and gradually raise the topic about what he will do in the near more distant future.

The child should understand that this discussion is important, but not threatening. He should understand that his is not obligated to do any things, but that you are taking an interest in him as a young adult with great potential.

You stand more of a chance of being successful after the child realizes that it is "safe" to talk to you.

What should you do if the child does not know where he wants to go or what he would like to do in life?

This is a common situation.

Don't rush to take him for counseling in a career guidance institution. That step may be too drastic, at least at the initial stages, especially since you and the child might be able to plan together.

You don't know all the options

Granted, the results of your talk may not reflect all of the options and recommendations that are available to a professional guidance counselor, but the informality and familiarity of your talk may more than compensate for this.

Furthermore, your child is likely to be of assistance. He probably has some familiarity with the areas in which he now takes an interest.

Check the Internet. Your child may want to demonstrate his independence by carrying out the search by himself.

Don't send your child to a professional unless it meets various critiera:

These guidelines are correct at any time that any person goes for counseling.

Where do you want to go now?

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Keywords: Counseling, Future, Goals, Life, Method, Planning, Questions