You would probably think that the best recommendation is to have an orderly life. Of course, for those who can do it that's just fine. The question is whether an orderly life is for everybody and that's not necessarily the case.
For many of us it is better to fight the urge and the pressure to do everything automatically. Maybe it's better for some things to wait, like making sure that everything is orderly.
Maybe it's better to relax and to do things in priority order rather than getting everything done. That way you will be able to lead a quiet, comfortable, and convenient life.
Perhaps it's better to set different priorities and to do things when they're necessary in order to be able to live a quiet, comfortable, and convenient life. Perhaps it's better to take into consideration that many things are done better if they are not done under pressure. Maybe the quality is more important.
It depends upon many factors. One of these factors is how much the clutter bothers you. If it disturbs you so much that you cannot do other things, then go ahead and put yourself under pressure. After all it doesn't make much sense to create one type of pressure in order to resolve another type of pressure.
You can also make ToDo lists and ToDo lists which keep on growing also do have their place. If you have a computerized ToDo list then you can change the priority of the various things on the list and you can adjust the priority of any particular item up and down on the list as the list keeps growing. That's also useful. That's also important. It may keep you calm. Things will get done in the order that they're needed or else they might get done in priority order if you do that, and yes there are going to be some things that will never get done, although the high priority things will get done and lower priority items may get done, and if so they'll get done later.
The tradeoff of putting things off, of procrastination, is a calm life with less on your plate.
This may be very useful for some people. Some people have so much on their plate that they cannot cope, they cannot deal with the really important things in life. They put off relationships, they put off their children, they put off their marriage, and they put off their own entertainment and fun and relaxation.
All of these things are important to be able to have a life that's worth living.
There will be many people who will disagree with this point of view and they will present the importance of having a neat and orderly life. There's no argument against that. They are right, of course.
The question is the price that you have to pay and whether it is worth having that neat and orderly life.
Perhaps it should be weighed against the other option and it should be done in a way in which it doesn't take over your life.
Of course, there is the other possibility - of not giving enough attention to certain important things in your life. Perhaps.
Of course, there is the other possibility and that's neglect or laziness in which case the house is not orderly, not because you didn't have the time, not because you set other priorities, but because you let everything slide and you did not handle the basics that need to be done.
If it does not interfere with the important things in your life, if you can still live a good life and also have an orderly home, then by all means do so. And if it is not orderly despite that then you should consider the possibility that you are making mistakes. Nobody would recommend having a sloppy home when it could be neat.
In addition to that don't let people try to convince you that you should either have a neat home or a sloppy home. You have to be the one to decide. You have to be the one to make these decisions and only you can make these decisions.
However, having made the decision don't let people tell that you should be more neat or more sloppy. You should do what's best for you so that you'll have the best possible life for your own (last word was cut off).
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Keywords: Counseling, Goals, Life, List, Organization, Sequence, Time