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Accomplish What You Can

Some people make strange excuses for not planning out their lives. They use the same excuse for not giving their children the benefits of their knowledge while they can. The reasoning behind putting off the things that they wanted to accomplish in life or should accomplish or putting off the assistance that they might give to their children is okay once I have finished handling the important things in my life then I will have nothing more to live for. I can just close up shop at that point because I've made up a list of what I need to do and then its completed. I don't need to do anything anymore.

What a twisted way of reasoning!

The fact is that after you have completed the things that you want to do in life - if you are one of the select few that are able to do so - other things come up. They're equally important.

The job is never finished. Your life's work is never finished. Once you have done the things that are on your list, the list itself will expand and there will be more that you will be able to offer your children, the world, your business associates, and others.

Basically, the more you give the more you are able to give and the more that you have to give.

By giving of yourself you develop an ability to be able to give more and more ideas come to you, more feelings, more thoughts, more knowledge that you can share. The very act of giving itself is what increases the ability to give.

Thus, the sooner that you finish giving what you planned to give in your life, you have accomplished your life's goals, and you have done whatever you possibly can do, the beautiful thing happens and you are able to open yourself up to still more things that you can leave behind to the world.

Go ahead and give. Give with all your might. Give with all your strength. Give with all that you possibly can.

Your reward for giving all that you can is that you will be able to give some more.

How much more will you be able to give the world? That depends on the enthusiasm, strength, and energy that you put into what you give already. The more effort that you put into what you give, the more you squeeze yourself in giving, the more you will be able to ultimately give later on to others.

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Keywords: Goals, Planning