There are many forums on the Internet and a large number of the active Jewish ones are run by Jewish Groups.
These forums certainly do serve an important function and many people are helped by them. That is why they exist.
However, forums are good for certain purposes but they should not be used indiscriminately. The disclaimer tells the instances and issues in which it is not a good idea to rely on a forum.
The problems with the forums is that they ae so accessible, it is so easy for people to be part of them.
The fact that they are so accessible means that many good people will join, but there are also people who are less qualified to give authoritative responses and they will join it as well.
Although the moderator does make an effort to remove all comments that are not worthy of the groups, you do have to realize that you are dealing with anonymous strangers.
This means that although the forums may be a good source for information, the general rules of caveat emptor apply here as in any other place.
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Keywords: Forums, Questions