Articles about psychology
It cannot be changed
Most of us
will do anything
to be good,
change our way
of living.
- Anonymous
We're going
to turn
this team
360 degrees.
- Jason Kidd

is dominated
by two types of people:
those who understand
what they do not manage,
and those who manage
what they do not understand
- Source Unknown

People may be able to change certain things, but not everything. True, it may be frustrating to face issues for which there is no real solution.

Life becomes much easier when people can follow the following steps:

At this stage, he will be able to live more happily.

What issues cannot be changed?

It is certainly easier for a person to make a change in themselves than to force a change on others.

A person can accept their own psyche, physical makeup, ability, looks, and relationships. That person may be able to accept the fact that modern medicine, with all of its advances, cannot cure certain physical limitations.

A person who learns to realize and accept that it will not help to be upset about a situation for which there will not cannot be a cure is on the road to happiness.

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Keywords: Can do, Change, Limits, Rebuke