Go ahead and give aptitude tests, if you like.
Those tests do offer you the basic understanding and information that you need in order to guide your client in the right direction.
However, career counseling cannot be limited or restricted to information on or scores from a test. This is especially important when people ask for a midlife career change.
If we could simply distribute tests and report the results we would not have a very exciting profession – and there would be little demand for us. We would be replaced rapidly and more efficiently by a computer program or a website.
Fortunately, all people are different, and there are many things to consider when helping people select the right job. You may want to ask your client to describe their own limitations and advantages. If they see themselves differently from the dry information on an aptitude test, then you are likely to prefer their own self-evaluation.
Furthermore, some people believe that they deserve a better job. As a result, they may strive for a position that is is beyond their capabilities.
In such cases, their goals must be maintained in the proper perspective. The objective results of their aptitude test may help limit the position in this case, so that their ambition does not exceed their limits.
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Keywords: Employment, Evaluation, Goals