True hope dwells on the possible, Some arguments won't lead anywhere.
If your arguments or those of your partner are wildly off-base, irrelevant, or unrelated to reality, then the discussion will have to stop. It will then have to become focused (possibly by a moderator), in order for it to have any meaning. The specific focus will have to be based on the goals of the discussion.
Similarly, the discussion will fail if your opponent refuses to stick to facts. He may choose this tactic for various reasons:
In such cases, no responses are likely to succeed. Clearly, the answer to an irrelevant question is also irrelevant.
Silence may be a successful option in this case. However, it should be limited and used with caution. After all, the opponent is trying to gain time. Your silence may pull you into his trap.
even when life seems to be a plot
written by someone who wants to see
how much adversity we can overcome.
True hope responds to the real world,
to real life;
it is an active effort.
-Walter Anderson
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Keywords: Discuss, Truth