Articles about psychology
Fighting against an issue
If you step on people
in this life,
you're going to come back
as a cockroach.
- Willie Davis
על דאטפת אטפוך, וסוף מטיפיך יטופון
Because you drowned someone,
you will be drowned,
and the end of those who drowned you
is that they will be drowned
- Pirkey Avot - Ethics of the Fathers - 2:7

You may choose to fight against a cause for one or more of the following reasons:

However, when you fight against a force, then other issues must be considered. Since the other side will also exert energy, skills, knowledge, and ability, you will have to invest more effort than the opposing side in order to win. In effect, the other side determines how much effort you need to exert.

Furthermore, you are starting your fight from a stopped position. Your opponent, on the other hand, may already have a certain amount of force in motion. That inertia offers the opponent an additional benefit.

Important issues

However, you must be convinced that your issue is sufficiently important to warrant your efforts. You may feel guilty for not getting involved - or people may make you feel guilty. You may feel that you stand a good chance of winning, and that your winning will mean that you will have offered a great deal to society.

Although this may justify your fighting against an establishment, you should remember that the stakes are high. If you lose, then you will have lost a great deal. You will never be able to recoup the time that you have invested on that lost cause.

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Keywords: Fight, Goals, Targeting