There are many things that can be handled through psychology but one of the most difficult is hate because it is so irrational. There is no way to explain to a person why they should not hate or why they should love and there is very little to be done with one who bears hate. Hate leads to grudge. Hate leads to reasons for hating. Hate leads to excuses for carrying out irrational actions. Hate leads to many crimes against humanity and against the person himself or herself.
The Jewish Temple was destroyed because of hate. One possible reason was the fact that there was no way to handle it. When there is hate the people involved do not listen, they are not subject to rational discussion or evaluation of issues.
This is unfortunate. Usually psychologists discuss ways in which to offer hope for different issues. They cannot do so with hate. Only after the major issues of hate are put aside can finer issues can be evaluated and discussed.
In cases in which there is hate, the first stage must be to remove the hate before any meaningful talk can be held. There is no way to discuss things in a rational way while also maintaining feelings of hate.
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