Hate is stronger than love.
Check your history books. They are filled with wars, and you can be sure that those wars were not waged because of love. Many of the greatest personages in recent history - Hitler, Bin Ladin, and Arafat - were catapulted into the history because of their hate. Those who showed loved never got the same writeup.
Children learn to hate from a young age. Their potentially powerful love for a parent could be displayed by an opposite but equally potent hatred for that parent.
Successful and rapidly-growing political movements are often based on hatred. Those movements that are based on love are far less powerful. Even the "free love" movement wasn't really about love.
Very little can be done to cure hate on an individual or specific level. True, Ahavat Chinam, baseless love, is the proper response, but that force is weak indeed in our generation. People are certainly not willing to die for love.
Do you have some extra dollars in your account? If so, you can buy, teach, and promulgate genuine hate. Unfortunately, your money will not work in the other direction.
"Can't buy me love."
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Keywords: Hate, History, Power