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I am free of all prejudices.
I hate everyone equally
- W C Fields

What can a family member do if the hate is directed towards him?

This is a very difficult question indeed. The family member will of course want to demonstrate no no I do love you but this is counterproductive because the more that he insists on his love the more that she will have to demonstrate her hate for the reasons discussed in this article.

Clearly, the best thing for the hate object to do is to avoid the person and not to relate to her exhibited behavior.

This may be difficult indeed to do. It’s very easy to say that or to write that in an article but especially if it is a close family member it may be very difficult to avoid the person and to let her continue strange exhibited behavior especially if it extends if it continues for an extended period of time.

There is also the issue of guilt felt by the family member who may feel that he did indeed do something that caused her to legitimately want to hate him.

Further, things that the problem girl feels when expresses to others about the supposed reasons for her feelings of hate may well come back to the close family member who may actually begin to question whether they are indeed legitimate and feelings of guilt may increase. Those feelings of guilt may cause a counter transference of guilt and hate. As a result the person himself the offended family member who is trying to help by avoiding the person exhibiting the reverse behavior or the opposite behavior may himself have developed feelings of anger and they may also lead to dislike or hate. It is thus a very difficult job to do when trying to deal with this person.

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Keywords: Behavior, Family, Guilt