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That's right. You can create your own ISBI, right in the comfort of your home, or the uneasiness of your friend's home. Your ISBI will react just like one who was born that way.
Yes, intelligence can be created and it can be removed. You've heard of artificial intelligence, haven't you? ISBIs are the same. Most of them are made, not born.
In today's lesson, you will learn how to use the mental block procedure to create your own ISBI. Mental Block ISBIs are called MBIs. This procedure works best with pre-senile name-droppers.
Wait until your friend tells you that a certain person's name escapes him. When it is clear that he's stumped – if only momentarily – start making suggestions. Say, "Is it Anne? Is it Kathy? Is it Jennifer? Is it Emily?" Keep suggesting names. You can add to your sense of satisfaction by watching the changes in his facial expressions with each name that you present.
This procedure can turn any friend into an instant MBI. If Mrs. Smith's name is Sarah, then your friend may develop amnesia after you suggest a name such as Susan, since it does sound similar to Sarah.
For variety, you can create MBIs with words instead of names. Try to help a translator who is looking for the right word. Anything you say will push him further and further away from his goal.
For example, if your translator friend is looking for the word "snow," then he may admit to looking for something that is white. Suggest shirt, handkerchief, paper, ceiling, tablecloth, sheet, milk, and cheese. With some practice you can create a wonderful mental block. Your friend may have to put the work aside for an entire day or two before he'll be able to think of the right word.
This wonderful and creative procedure may also handle your problem of having too many friends.
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Keyword: Health, Names, Questions, Translation, Writing