Articles about psychology

Keep Going

In three words
I can sum up everything
I have learned
about life:
It goes on
- Robert Frost

Just keep going.

Even when you are frustrated and upset, and even everything seems to be going wrong. Even when you ask, "Why me?"

Don't give up. Just keep going.

This advice may be easy to say to somebody who is doing well in life. That person seems to have no problems, he is well liked, he has all of his needs. Tell that person to keep going, and he won't have much of a problem.

Yet, even in such cases there are going to be issues. The person whose needs are ostensibly satisfied probably does want more.

However, most of your acquaintances are not likely to have everything that they need. They do have interpersonal and other issues.

What can be done when someone feels that they can no longer keep going?

Obviously, the first response is to seek professional help from a mental health professional, or a Rabbi. A trusted friend may be able to refer the person to a suitable authority who can handle the issue.

However, some people can take other steps, if they have not reached a severe stage of depression.

Various resources help people think positively. They may be useful before the situation is exacerbated.

Mounting troubles in life may cause a person to question whether it is worth continuing. He might question whether it is worth persisting with a particular or with a general issue, or whether it is worth continuing with life in general. For example, somebody might know that an objective factor or issue prevents their advancement. They may be so frustrated when their their business goals or marital plans are thwarted that they cannot overcome the defeat.

Let us clarify here that we are not referring to paranoia, feelings that people are out to get the client. It also does not refer to issues in which it is worthwhile giving up because we expend energy on them that should be devoted to more important issues in life.

No, this refers to issues faced by people in which life is perceived as no longer worth living.

The really important issues that have been set as a priority, and which a person wants to accomplish in life, are different. It would mean either continuing with their efforts or sacrificing a major issue in the person's life or happiness. That sacrifice could cause a terrible tragedy or a crisis.

So the first thing that needs to be done is to analyze which category the issue is in - whether it's in the can't do category in which case it should be dropped or whether it's in one of the major issues of life in which case it should be continued. This again is best done with the assistance of another person, the one who is suffering from the issue usually cannot make the decisions by themselves. These issues seem to be too large, to overwhelming to be able to decide or to distinguish between those issues which are smaller and those that are large.

After all, a person suffering from a problem feels that that problem is a major issue and is never prepared to drop it or the person involved may feel that at a certain point the issue is too small and that they should drop it when it shouldn't be dropped. Even if the issue is that person's very life itself and they might decide to drop it.

Man was meant to continue his life despite the hardships, difficulties, and troubles. He should not evaluate whether it is worth continuing. It is the job of the psychologist to help him come to this conclusion.


Some people have a natural resilience and they can bounce right back from set backs and disappointments in life and they go through life with all of the opportunities coming to meet them.

If you are in this category that's wonderful, then you don't have to read any further.

This section is for the rest of us.

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Keywords: Accomplishments, Can do, Counseling, Depression, Evil, Problems, Resilience