A person needs to feel in control of things and in control of his life. This is an extremely element.
Thus, if a person has a part of life that causes pain or difficulty, then that issue is a problem in itself.
However, if that issue is then doubled because of a lack of control that could have been avoided, then the pain is also doubled.
For example, a person has a problem with a tooth, a toothache. The person can either go to the dentist or the person can ignore it and hope that it will go away.
Toothaches rarely go away by themselves. The person may then discover that he has no choice but to go to the dentist for an appointment and that appointment will inevitably be on a day in which he has an important appointment or he planned to go on a vacation or some other issue that could not be postponed.
Had he scheduled the appointment for the dentist himself at a time that was convenient for him, then he still would have had the pain of the dental work but not the double pain that is caused by having to miss something important as well. This additional pain, this double pain is caused by the fact that he has to do something painful in which it is no longer in his control.
If a person is going to be evicted in Gush Katif or in Yamit, he can either face the painful eviction by himself and simply leave or he can face the double pain of waiting, hoping that the evicting process will be reversed as a result of a miracle and let others decide on the date and the time of his eviction. That date and time might be accompanied by other unpleasant things such as the TV cameras, in which case he might be expected to put on a show of resistance.
It's bad enough to have to be evicted from your home, but the second part of having to do it in front of the camera and to fill others' expectations makes the bad issue even worse because that part of it, that aspect of it is out of control, out of your control. You may feel that you will be expected at that time to join the outside protest, to join the protests together with the others in order to satisfy the TV cameras or to satisfy the needs of others who are your own friends.
That doubles the pain of the eviction.
Thus, any difficult chore that you have to perform can be divided into two levels, the difficult chore itself and the difficult chore itself with the addition of the loss of control.
When seen in this way many people may be advised to handle the chore itself in a manner in which they are under control in a way in which they control the issues.
That doesn't make the chore any easier but it does limit the pain to that created by the chore itself rather than doubling the pain.
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