Your locus of control may and should vary under different situations.
Thus, an internal locus of control is not necessarily a personality trait. It can be learned, accepted, or even foisted on another person as needed - or as the circumstances warrant. It can then be adapted, rejected, or put aside when it is no longer needed.
The more that a person assumes the appropriate persona when needed, the more satisfied, upbeat, and well adjusted he will be in the overall situation.
Some people are always leaders. Others are always followers. Born leaders or born followers who accept their roles properly and gracefully, and who surrender them when necessary, will be productive and satisfied members of society.
The counselor should help people determine their level of control in various circumstances, and he should help them determine which persona is appropriate for those circumstances. After taking on the appropriate persona, they can be well adjusted, happy and successful in society.
In many cases, this may be the most important job of the psychologist, consultant or confidant.
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Keywords: Control, Counseling, Personality