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Some people do experience traumas. It's a terrible thing when it happens and it leaves its mark on the person for a long period of time thereafter. Some traumas could be electricity after a person touched a live wire or swimming after a person had a difficult experience in a pool or a beach, marrying after somebody experienced a difficult situation with a spouse or a potential spouse or an act of terror. In each of these cases the person has a choice of facing a disorder in which they do not function properly or of experiencing determination. That means that they have decided that they will overcome whatever problem exists.

It is possible to overcome disorders with determination. ADD could be overcome and instead of it being an Attention Deficit Disorder it could merely be an Attention Deficit which a person works very hard to overcome. Similarly, PTSD could simply be PTS, Post Traumatic Stress but does not have to necessarily lead to disorder unless the victim allows that to happen. A person with PTSD who goes for help and is then labelled after being diagnosed faces more of a difficulty. After all if the psychologists say that the person has a problem then who is he to disagree. Clearly, there is proof that he has a problem and if he has a problem then there is less of a reason for him to strive to overcome it. It's just something that is different in him and he is lacking some ingredient or hormone and this is the way he will have to live his life. Thus, that diagnosis could actually be very harmful to that person. Yes, there are problems with a diagnosis and with diagnosing.

Another recommendation is to get over the disorder by determination. A determined would still have the same disorder, the same concept but the D would stand for something else. D could stand for determination. The person could be proud of his or her determination to work towards eliminating the problem. The person will try to overcome and work hard to overcome and bypass that trauma. It would lead to a determination to overcome and to deal with any other problem that could result from it.

It is much stronger for a person to overcome a problem by himself rather than having a psychotherapist do it. A psychotherapist stands more of a chance of doing things that would lead to other byproducts or side effects. A person who overcomes the problem by himself will not exhibit these additional issues.

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Keywords: Compensation, Personality