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After reading many of the personality type, disorders, manias, phobias, and whatnot on this group, you may wonder why there are no real manias and phobias listed, just these new and interesting types.

You look around you on public transportation and you don't really see too many of the fellows who twitch, snort, run around on all fours, hang by their legs by the bars, and so on.

Even if you would see these people, they aren't the ones of concern. You would know that they indeed have difficulties or problems and you would accept it as their own situation, issue, or problem.

The real issues are with those who consider themselves to be quite normal and those whom society considers to be quite normal.

In all too many cases each one has an issue which we can wonder about, and wonder about quite sincerely.

Somebody might even wonder why we don't make a collection of all of these new and interesting personality types, not the serious manias and phobias that are in the books, but all of the others, the ones that we see every day.

That's what this section is all about. It's all of the forgotten styles and manias that are not listed in any of the other sources.

That missing collection has just arrived, and you are reading it right now. However, these people are for whatever reason not certified. They are not on the usual lists, they are not treated by professionals, they are ignored in society. They are the regular guys - just like you and me.

Oh, you say that you don't fit into any of these categories? You are not part of the norm? What does that mean?

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