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They won't commit themselves

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There are some people who have a great deal of difficulty commiting themselves to things. They don't like to commit themselves at all.

Men suffer from this problem more than women.

There are many single women out there who are very anxious to get married. They can't find a man who is willing to commit himself to them, even though they are willing to commit themselves.

This is all the more serious because the fact is that a woman has a lot more to lose than a man by this commitment. Yet, it doesn't work out for them.

Men don't see the urgency in getting married. In some cases they don't see the need to get married at all. They are certainly in no rush to do so and they often have other things on their minds.

Some people have said that this is a result of the high rate of divorce with the tremendous payments at stake. Men don't want to get involved in such payments and they don't want to have a prenuptual agreement as a replacement for it. Their attitude often is that if this is the situation then there is no need to get married. Forget about it.

Even with minor issues

People don't even want to commit themselves to minor issues, issues that they should have no fear or concern about.

For example, one institution distributed a questionnaire in order to help them plan which courses to offer in the following year. The students could respond without commiting themselves. It was just a preliminary statement of desire.

About half of the women were willing to participate in the questionnaire and they submitted their form. The men on the other hand, refused to submit forms. None of them in the class agreed to do so.

Keep in mind that this questionnaire did not bind them. It was only going to be used for preliminary administrative purposes in order to work out, to discuss with the teachers the potentials of teaching.

Politically and internationally

Perhaps this can be reflected in the world situation today. In the past there were wars, disagreements, fights, and the nations made agreements and either they kept them or they violated them.

Today, nations don't bother with that stage. They state quite clearly that they don't want to commit themselves to curtail or terminate their animosity. Perhaps this was a reflection of the situation with people. Nobody and no entity is willing to commit itself.

Products and services

The same situation occurs with companies. Companies hesitate to commit themselves to a date in which a product will be ready. Workmen do not commit themselves to a date in which a job will be finished. And people have to just live their lives accordingly without being able to plan.

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Keywords: Business, Marriage, Planning