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The term expert is used quite loosely. This is a person who is a self-proclaimed expert and he always tries to show how he knows whatever needs to be known about it, about any subject. It's not the same as the one who is pompous and it not the same as the yente, because this one spouts facts, figures, research, and resources to prove his claim.

It's quite another thing that he gave to this and nobody doubts his word for some reason but nobody looks up the truth of his claims either. He makes statements based on the facts that he brings along and everybody just believes it.

Interestingly though, the guy does so much talking in so many places that anyone who does any thingking will wonder where he has the time to do the research that is necessary to have so facts at his disposal.

Nonetheless, they let him get away with it whether he is making up the facts on the spur of the moment or whether he really does miraculously know all these things is irrelevant.

On any field that you may take, this is the expert.

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