Taking advantage of your good nature. Sometimes people take advantage of your good nature. They find that you are a person who is open to their need to unload their thoughts or ideas or concepts. They find that they can talk to you about things that would not be acceptable in other places. They can talk to you about subjects that are verboten in other circles but you are open to talking about them and they take advantage of this.
It's bad enough that they take advantage of your good nature but sometimes they go beyond the red line.
They say that you are an easy guy to get along with so maybe they can trick you, fool you, or put you in difficult positions because you put up with things.
This is a difficult and dangerous position. Since you are so agreeable and pleasant and since you say yes so frequently they feel that they can get you to say yes to things that you should not and would not say yes to.
They don't realize that your yes personality is a pleasant personality but it doesn't just mean that you just foolishly say yes to everything. It doesn't mean that you necessarily agree to everything that is said. It does mean that you have intelligence, you have a brain, you have ideas of your own and you do make decisions and sometimes those decisions include making a no decision to things that you feel using your own valid judgement are not in your own best interests.
These people who don't know about the red line and do not realize that they should not go beyond the limits of proper behavior or good taste are then miffed when they find that this good-natured person who always seems to say yes to everything suddenly has a strong opinion the other way, sometimes has the gall to say no to things, and they are suprised and hurt.
There is little that can be done about this. You will have to reconstruct the friendship or the relationship.
The problem is not you. The problem is them.
Don't change your wonderful, lovely personality and don't become tougher with people. Don't take out time for tremendous introspections in order to determine where you went wrong.
You did not go wrong. They went wrong. That is sad. That is unfortunate. It is problematic. It is bad. However, it is not something that you should worry about. You should not be concerned about the fact that they don't know the limits.
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