The person who feels that he has nothing to lose is often the oppposite of the happy go lucky fellow. The person who feels that there is nothing to lose is willing to take any risk, take any chance, and possibly to offend people, as well as endangering himself. He feels that it doens't really matter. The outcome doesn't really matter because he has nothig to lose.
He feels very insecure. He feels that his position is unstable and that he has already lost a great deal. He has already lost so much and gone through so much that it doesn't matter if he suffers a little bit more or if he loses a little bit more.
The fellow who feels that there's nothing to lose is in a strange position. Obviously, there is more to for him to lose. He has already lost a lot and he can again lose which means that he's losing more in effect.
However, he feels that there is nothing to lose because of his lost self-esteem. He feels that his whole world has collapsed around him. He has nothing else any more so that if he does lose something, then he can just add it to that list which he feels is very big of things that he has already lost.
With that attitude and that approach he is likely to lose. He's going to lose again. In order to be able to win you have to have a positive approach and he doesn't have it. So, the fellow who feels that there's nothing to lose keeps on proving, perhaps similar to a self-fulfilling prophecy, he keeps proving to himself and to the world that he is indeed a loser.
This is of course absurd. Anybody can, with the right attitude, win or gain things. Anybody can with the right attitude win or lose things. The attitude is extremely important. If you have a positive attitude then you stand more of a chance, not a guarantee, but a chance, of winning. If you have the negative attitude of the person who feels that there's nothing to lose then you will take foolish steps and unnecessary risks that do not necessarily lead to anything that is positive or worthwhile.
The person who feels that there is nothing to lose, who has given up on life or on a certain aspect of life, happiness, or accomplishments is someone who is going to prove again that there is indeed nothing to lose because he's already lost it all and he is almost determined to continue losing.
This person has to be shown that there is more to life than what he has already experienced. He has to be shown that he has worth and that he can indeed put in more effort and in so doing he will be able to be a success.
He needs a dramatic change in attitude from his negative way of looking at the world to a positive good forward looking way of believing that he has a great deal to offer the world and that he has a reason to live, to produce, to accomplish, and to offer to others.
The trick is not to help him. The goal is to show him how he can help others because that is where the person is really lacking.
He doesn't say that but that is the situation.
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