You can learn how to do many things in life by yourself. For example, although you will not gain much pleasure from following a rule book about using a computer, it will work. You can learn which key to push first, second, third, and fourth, and in this way you can gain a modicum of pleasure from the computer. You'll gain more pleasure after you are able to relax and make decisions.
On the other hand, guidelines for consultant materials or do-it-yourself psychological books don't work at all. No one-size-fits-all methods will work when dealing with the human psyche.
A good consultant or psychologist realizes this. He or she does not make the client follow specific, predetermined steps in order to act "properly." Indeed, if such a system would work, then there would be little professionality in this work - and anybody could be a successful psychologist.
Imagine a book which says "Treat phobias in the following way: a, b, c." People would follow that list and then the phobia would disappear.
However, G-d did not create people that way. Issues do not follow templates or patterns. It takes a great deal of training to learn and understand how to deal with complex issues and with their many side issues.
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Keywords: Decisions, Method, Psychology, Selecting