Methinks - Shakespeare
Some people try to hide their problems to an exaggerated degree.
They feel a need to put out a high self-image to others. In general there's nothing really wrong with that, except that it raises certain questions.
A person who feels a great need to brag a great deal about themselves so that they may even become a bore, whether about their lives in general or about specific areas of their lives, is either trying to be a politician or has something to hide, or in some cases both.
People usually do not feel this needs. They go about their lives and they don't have to always feel as if they are on stage or as if they are promoting themselves in a job interview. They don't have to say how wonderful they are all of the time. Some people will appreciate them, others won't. Those who do have a great need to convince everybody else how wonderful they are, probably are not all that wonderful.
Indeed, a person who has to keep puffing up their own qualifications and characteristics and traits often has a low self-esteem and in some cases the low self-esteem is justified. They don't deserve better because they are not superior people. Sometimes they can fool others. Sometimes people will give them a certain amount of respect because of the things that they say, and in other cases they don't. However, we can usually expect people not to have this need to promote themselves at every possible occasion.
People should feel sorry for politicians who always have a need to appear in headlines. Their lives are more public than they should and when their lives are public, then in all too many cases it isn't only the good things about their lives that is shown in public. When was the last time the investigative reporter wanted to find out something good about a public personality?
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