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There is a famous story about a woman who goes to a Rabbi to ask whether the chicken she has is kosher or treif.

The rabbi asks her a number of questions and finds out that the woman is quite poor and so he tells the woman that the chicken is kosher.

Indeed, according to Jewish law the chicken is kosher. The statement of a rabbi is sufficient to make it kosher. Even though according to the outward signs that the chicken is not acceptable, is not kosher, the rabbi considers other issues more than just looking at the chicken itself.

If we look only at one side of an issue, if we look only at the chicken then we form the wrong opinion and we come to the wrong conclusion.

However, if we look at the whole picture, if we look beyond the chicken, if we consider in addition to the chicken we consider the woman and her situation then we have a more complete picture and we can form a proper judgement.

There are two sides to every issue and even in Jewish law it is imperative to consider both sides to an issue and not just to determine things based upon the most simple level and the cold facts of the law.

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Keywords: Counseling, Rabbis, Vision