The Geobabe's Great Canadian Adventure

We spent the next two days in Edmonton, visiting with an old friend of Lisa's. When not working night shifts, he dragged himself out to feed us home-cooked breakfasts and to show us his city. We spent a day in Fort Edmonton Park, experiencing in a touristy manner what life would have been like in the "old days" at Fort Edmonton. Of course, the fries and fast food joint kind of ruined the affect, but it was still a fun day. We also visited some relatives of Lisa's while we were in town.

Fort Edmonton Park

Heidi, Roberta and Lisa in an old-time trolley at Fort Edmonton Park

We left Edmonton and entered "Big Sky Country". We stopped a Buffalo National Park, but didn't see any buffalos. We also stopped at every "big" thing along the way...

World's largest (Ukrainian) sausage in Mundare
(Yes, Heidi and Lisa
are licking the sausage!)

Since we had to detour to get to the monument, we figured we should actually buy some of the sausage that the town of Mundare was famous for. And, guess what? It was delicious!!!

Famous Mundare sausage
(It should be noted that we're actually on the highway at this point - Lisa is driving!)
Mmmmm... sausage!

We then drove another half hour out of our way to have some twelve-year-olds take our picture in front of the world's largest mallard duck in Andrew... It was a boring drive, and a boring duck, so it's not pictured below. The giant Easter egg, however...

World's largest Easter Egg in Vegreville
Vegreville also had Canada's lowest gas prices...

Our final stop in Alberta was at the Heavy Oil Science Center in Lloydminster. (Hey, what can I say, we're geology geeks!) Llyodminster is actually Canada's only border city, located half in Alberta and half in Saskatchewan.

Heavy Oil Science Center

Hungry and tired, this was a quick snapshot taken before zooming out of town and towards Saskatoon, our destination for the night. A line of orange pilons mark the Saskatchewan-Alberta border, running right through the center of town.
Oh, and that's a stick of licorice in my mouth, for those of you wondering...

On to Saskatchewan!