Girl Scout Ceremonies
Five Worlds Candle Ceremony
(Although the Five Worlds are no longer in use, this ceremony can still be modified for other uses, so I am leaving it in.)
Set up is a table with one large green candle in the center. (White will do in a pinch.) Set up five candles on either side of first candle…one each of red, orange, yellow, blue & purple. If you cannot find candles in these colors, simply buy white candles & decorate the bases with the appropriate color ribbon.
Introduction: This green candle is a symbol of the Girl Scout movement,
which was started by our founder, Juliette Gordon Low, and began in our country
on March 12, 1912. Juliette Low’s nickname was Daisy. By joining Girl Scouts
of the USA, you are following in her footsteps as you become a unique and caring
influence in today & tomorrow’s world. These candles represent the five Worlds
of Interest which make up the Girl Scout program.
Girl Scout 1: (Recite while lighting red candles) The red candles represent
the World of Well-being, which helps young women understand themselves, their
values, needs, emotions, and strengths, while also being aware of what it takes
to be physically fit.
Girl Scout 2: (Recite while lighting orange candles) The orange candles
are for the World of Today & Tomorrow which lets a young woman look into the
how and why of things, solve problems and recognize ways in which her present
interests can build future ones.
Girl Scout 3: (Recite while lighting yellow candles) The yellow candles
are for the World of Out-of-Doors. Explorations in this world can help a young
woman to appreciate her natural environment and to take actions to protect and
preserve her world.
Girl Scout 4: (Recite while lighting blue candles) The blue candles are
for the World of People. This world can help a young woman build pride in her
own heritage, while appreciating the uniqueness of each culture and the common
themes of all cultures.
Girl Scout 5: (Recite while lighting purple candles) The purple candles
are for the World of Arts. This world can help develop a personal appreciation
for the many art forms and the beauty in the world around us.
All: From the light of the five worlds, may your Girl Scout years be
ever bright.
Flame Ceremony
Materials: Six assorted shapes & colors of candles. The more mismatched,
the better.
One tall multicolored ( if possible) candle in the center
A green taper candle for each participant
Leader lights tall candle in the middle
Leader: Stars that shine together form a galaxy. Flowers that grow together
create a garden. Buildings that stand together create a city. People who work
together make a difference. That is what valuing differences is all about.
1st Scout: (Lights first small candle) I light this candle in friendship
for all of the people who are younger or older, bigger or small, richer or poorer
than I.
2nd Scout: (Lights second small candle) I light this candle in friendship
for all people who worship differently than I.
3rd Scout: (Lights third small candle) I light this candle in friendship
for all people of a different nationality or ethnicity than I.
4th Scout: (Lights fourth small candle) I light this candle in friendship
for all people who are a different color than I.
5th Scout: (Lights fifth small candle) I light this candle in friendship
for all people who come from s different country than I.
6th Scout: (Lights sixth small candle) I light this candle in friendship
for all people who don’t run, walk, hear, see, or learn the same as I.
7th Scout: (Lights her green taper from the big candle in the middle)
I light this candle for me, for I am unique & special. She then walks to the
beginning of the horseshoe & the first Girl Scout there lights her candle from
the candle of the 7th Girl Scout & recites the same line. This continues around
the horseshoe.
7th Scout: Watch the flames closely, please. Notice that the light from
each candle is the same as the others although the outside of the candles is
different. So, too, are all of us in the world. We wear different clothes, speak
different languages, follow different religions or beliefs, sing different songs.
And yet we all belong to the same human race. Inside we are all the same. We
all wish to be recognized. We all wish to be called by name. We all wish to
be loved. We all wish for friends. We all wish for peace. In the spirit of international
understanding, we pledge ourselves to world friendship. (Pause) In the spirit
of international understanding, we pledge ourselves to peacemaking. (Pause)
In the spirit of international understanding, we pledge ourselves to accept
the challenge to look wider still.
Each girl blows out her candle. End with friendship circle.
Juliette (Daisy) Gordon Low’s Candle Ceremony - V. 1
Attributed to Lori Roach aka “Ladybug” Totem Council- GSUSA
Equipment needed:
ðØ Candle for each girl
ðØ Matches/lighter
ðØ Water bucket (with water in it)
Long ago, a special ceremony was formed. Juliette Low wanted her original girls to carry a special spark with them as their Scouting group broke up. Some from the troop were moving away, working to help their families, or wanted to help a group of girls a little younger than themselves. But whatever their reasons, Juliette knew no other group would ever be quite the same.
As the girls stood in a circle holding candles (they had made), Juliette knew what spark it was she wanted to pass on. She lit her candle & spoke.
“With this candle, I give you each something very special to pass on. As I light
the candle on my right, I ask each of you to light the candle to your right
& pass it on. I want you to carry this thought with you wherever you go. This
is the ETERNAL FLAME for Girl Scouts. Each of you, after having a lit candle
before you, will repeat the Girl Scout Promise with me, then pause & recall
a few of the things we have done together as a group. I will hold my candle
up, and as I do so, you will all raise yours and we will blow them out together.
Before we separate from our circle, I want to ask you to keep this candle as
a very special candle. It is not to be used for any purpose but passing on the
ETERNAL FLAME. You may use it in other Girl Scout ceremonies, such as camps,
encampments, campfires, bridging or court of awards ceremonies. I’m glad we
were able to start a special tradition based on our ETERNAL FLAME.
Juliette (Daisy) Gordon Low’s Candle Ceremony - V. 2
“This candle is very special. I lit your candle using a candle I have. My candle
was lit for me at a candle lighting ceremony (when) by (who lit it & who lit
hers…..trace to Daisy, if you know the history of your candle that well.)
Juliette Low told the girls to take their candles home and use them in candle lighting ceremonies – to pass the flame on to others. If you look at you candles, you’ll see the wick is black, and that is what is left of the old flame. When you relight your candle, you are not only sharing the flame of this (camp, troop, etc.), but you are also sharing a bit of every flame that went before it, right back to the one lit by Juliette Low.
When you candle burns down, be sure to use it to light a new candle. In this way, you will be able to continue the tradition.
In a candle lighting ceremony, we are not only sharing a link to our past, but the light is also a symbol of our hopes and dreams for the future of Girl Scouting.
Just as a tiny flame is passed from person to person, growing brighter & brighter as more candles are lit; it is a Juliette Low’s dream was…that Girl Scouting would be a bright beacon for girls everywhere. May we all keep her dream alive forever.
Passing the Light and the Spirit of Girl Scouting When Juliette Gordon Low established
Girl Scouting in 1912, the tradition of candlelight ceremonies was an important
part of the various activities. Through the early years, she passed the light
and spirit of Girl Scouting on to others through investitures and campfires.
They, in turn, continued to pass the light and the spirit. Over the years, the
light and spirit of Girl Scouting has taken many different paths. The following
is a brief history of one such path. One of the first leaders-in-training was
Ethel Cooper, and she like so many others, received the light from Juliette
Low. Ethel went on to establish a troop in 1917 in Plymouth, Pennsylvania. Through
her years of Girl Scout involvement, she too, passed the light on to her girls
with the hope that they would continue to pass the light and keep the spirit
of Girl Scouting alive.
Over the years, the light from Ethel's candle was passed to many others throughout our great meetings, campouts, and at investiture and rededication ceremonies---just like this one.
And on {date}, {ceremony-leader's-name} passed the light on to the members of Troop--....
May we always remember the spirit in which Juliette began this organization
to spread to all girls the confidence, determination, courage, and knowledge
that they can do anything. May we develop that same spirit within ourselves
and the girls we lead. In the spirit of Girl Scouting, let your lights shine!
Ribbons and Candles Spirit Candle---Opening Values of Life Ceremony
Thank You!
Use 10 white candles, each tied with specified color ribbon as noted.
Each girl reads her line then lights the candle.
I will do my best to be:
Honest and fair
Friendly and helpful
Considerate and caring
Courageous and strong
Responsible for what I say and do
And to: (all the girls say together)
Respect myself and others
Respect authority
Use resources wisely
Make the world a better place
Be a sister to every Girl Scout
This candle represents the spirit of Girl Scouting. It burns throughout our
meeting to represent the friendship and fun we enjoy together.
Look to the flame and see its challenge to you:
ð· ... to do more than belong... Participate.
ð· ... do more than care... Help.
ð· ... do more than believe... Practice.
ð· ... do more than be fair... Be kind.
ð· ... do more than forgive... Forget.
ð· ... do more than dream... Work.
ð· ... do more than teach... Inspire.
ð· ... do more than live... Grow.
ð· ... do more than be friendly... Be a friend.
ð· ... do more than give... Serve.
Bless you for being just who you are --- Girls are great!
Props: Large Trefoil, seven candles
Leader (Pointing to Trefoil): The emblem you see before you represents
the Girl Scout program. The seven candles represent the seven rays of the sun.
We will now tell you what each of the seven rays stands for.
1: WISDOM – Wisdom does not necessarily mean superior knowledge. It means
putting to the right use the knowledge one possesses.
2: COURAGE – Courage is not the quality that enables people to meet danger
without fear; it is being able to meet danger in spite of your fear.
3: CHARITY – Charity is not limited to donations to the less fortunate.
It is acceptance of others even when you do not understand them.
4: JUSTICE – Justice is the practice of dealing fairly with others without
prejudice or regard to race, color, or creed.
5: FAITH – Faith is the conviction that something unproved by physical
evidence is true. A good example is when an eight year-old once said, “Faith
is when you turn on the light switch you know the light will come on.”
6: HOPE – Hope means to expect with confidence. Always hope for better
things to come. A person without hope is of little good to herself or her community.
7: LOVE – There are many kinds of love – love of family, love of home,
love of fellow man, love of God, and love of country. All these loves are necessary
for a full life.