Poems and Quotes
The Mother Weeps    By  Kaeth!

A thousand shimmering raindrops fell from my eyes as I looked upon the beauty that I created. The milky white stretches of beach are the bone white beads of my necklace. The deep blue oceans are the fertile fathoms of my womb. The grassy expanses of forest and land: pieces of my body so weathered and worn with age and care. The rocky brown mountains - the breasts beneath which beat my eternal heart. Even the sky above reflects me, crowding around me, gifting me with kisses from the sun and feathers for my hair. So many years I could look down at myself and smile at the good I knew I created. Now is the moment of my betrayal . . .

My children, beasts of all shapes and sizes, two legs you have wronged me! Raped me with land fills, blinded me with smog! Tortured me until even my tears are deadly to me! My children what have I done to deserve this? Why do you treat me so when everything I am is there for you? Now the beads from my necklace are ripped from my throat and mixed with the spoils of your failures. My oceans are tainted and bear forth fruits no more, ripping and tearing at my body in their fury. My person is split and violated to suit your needs, yet I do not turn from you, my estranged children. I have realized far too late that my gifts you cannot see.. Too long have you fought to better yourselves, turned against your mother in the pursuit to be strong. All that is left, good and pure, I hold within my heart now. I bury it deep in the hopes that one day you'll remember the wonder of my creation. My beautiful world . . .
Goddess Power
by Shadowdance

Oh bountiful Goddess
Your praises be sung
By the light of the silvery moon.

And when your presence
Is felt so near
Let us come and worship soon.

Your powers enormous
And with us you share
To make us all better people.

The altar is up and
The circle cast
Let the power flow around us.

The herbs are spread
The candles lit
We feel the Goddess in us.

Praise be to the Goddess
Her love and light shine brightly
And in the morning when we rise.

The world will be different slightly.
The world will be different slightly.
The world will be different slightly
Magic?, yes Magic!
by Shadowdance

As I sit here in the early morning
Listening to the birds sing
I think to myself
This is Magic, yes Magic!

As I watch the Camillion
Change his color from brown to green
I think to myself
This is Magic, yes Magic!

There go a couple of dogs
Frolicing in play together
There's a cat walking
Along the edge of a fence.

Over there beautiful flowers
Release their fragrance into the air
And I think to myself
This is Magic, yes Magic!

Magic isn't a parlour trick
Or what you see in the movies
It's the generosity of our mother Earth
And all that she can teach us.

You want to see a real magic show?
Go outside in the early morning
Sit on the ground where no one goes
And watch, and listen, and learn.

We Have A Beautiful Mother

We have a beautiful
Her hills
are buffaloes
Her buffaloes
We have a beautiful
Her oceans
are wombs
Her wombs
We have a beautiful
Her teeth
the white stones
at the edge
of the water
the summer
her plentiful
We have a beautiful
Her green lap
Her brown embrace
Her blue body
we know.

- Alice Walker
Blessed Goddess,
Please hold my problems with their questions,
I trust them in your care
And when I am ready for the answers and sloution
I know they will be there.

By  Molly!
Iron Owl  wrote this for me before I attended a business trip.

Under the gaze of the Lord and Lady I am wrapped in divinity, nothing can penetrate their loving light.
With the eyes of an Eagle I see all things.
With the love of the Lord and Lady I know nothing can harm me; for we are One with all things.