Yep, another LAN! | 18-3-04 11:07pm |
As we get into the general routine of LANs this year, you can expect to see plenty more of these. When: Saturday April 3rd Where: Griffith University Nathan Campus, N06 Patience Thoms (Asian Studies), Rooms 0.18 and 0.14. You need to pre-register otherwise you might not get a seat! More info: What's On page
Another LAN! | 28-2-04 11:13pm |
Same deal as last time, but with a big welcome to the 2004 members! When: Saturday March 6th Where: Griffith University Nathan Campus, N06 Patience Thoms (Asian Studies), Room 0.18. More info: What's On page
Successful O-Week Stall | 25-02-04 10:49pm |
The Orientation Week stall was a success, with lots of interest being shown in the club. You would have seen us as the crazy guys running a PS2 (complete with dance mat) through a PC because we don't have a TV. It's great to see some new members signing up, especially all the brave 1st year students who really have no idea what goes on at uni yet. All the members would also be interested to know that the club now has some networking equipment. We now have two 16 port Netgear FS116 switches so you members can pump data to one another all day long...
Market Day Stall | 31-07-03
1:13am |
Today the club will be having a recruitment stall at the uni. We'll be playing PS2 games like Tekken Tag, so rock up and have some fun! It's free of course. Take the opportunity to join up if you're not a member. We'll be situated near the library at GU Nathan Campus. Hope to see you and your friends there! |
LAN wrap up | 23-03-03
9:57am |
The first GUCGC LAN was an interesting event. Got off to a slow start thanks to the lazy admin people that rocked up 1.5 hours later than they were supposed to (Sorry! I'll come early next time :-/ ). Activities included Counter-Strike, Starcraft, anime, StepMania, Neo-Geo, and other typical LAN stuff. There was a spectacular lighting show that eventually gave way to torrential downpours during the night. Happily nobody's computer equipment got wet when they were leaving. We finished up at about 10pm and I hung around until midnight by my lonely self... See you next time. In about 3 weeks. It'll definitely be bigger, better equipped and a whole lot more organised!
GUCGC Recruitment - Anime LAN? | 25-02-03
11:07am |
GUCGC will probably host an anime LAN later in the year. If there are enough people interested in anime we'll make it a separate event, if not we'll smack it together with a normal gaming LAN. Interested? Plop your name here with Anime LAN in the subject so we can count how many are interested. I'll mention again to you Griffith Uni students there will be a recruitment stall tomorrow at the market place. There'll be another one on Thursday March 6th too.
LAN | 23-02-03
6:26pm |
When: Saturday March 22nd Where: Griffith University Nathan Campus, N06 Patience Thoms (Asian Studies), Room 0.18 and 0.14. More info: What's On page
GU O Week/AusAnime | 23-02-03
5:57pm |
Rooms booked, member count++. Looking good! Just a few more members and we'll have the funds to buy our lanning equipment. On that note if you're interested in joining GUCGC, we'll be holding a recruitment stall on Griffith University O Week Wednesday 26th of February and Thursday 6th of March. Look forward to seeing you all there. Some more good news. We are now affiliated with AusAnime. If you haven't guessed, that means we are no longer just a 'gaming club' but will have some elements of an 'anime' club.
w00t? We've been approved | 17-1-03
9:24pm |
It took some time, but now the club is officially a Griffith University club. So we can have some events. Thanks go out to all the people that have paid their membership fee. We'll email everyone about having a LAN soon. It won't be any time before the Australia Day weekend, because QGL is on. Email me if you want to meet us there.
LAN Soon (Hooray!) | 20-11-02
9:20pm |
We are pending club approval from the uni. Once we're approved we will start having LANs! Finally!
1st Meeting (It's about time!) | 26-7-02
11:58pm |
The inaugural general meeting is set! Join the club and meet the other gamers. We'll be telling you what it's all about and what kind of events we have planned. When: Thursday 8th August 1pm-2pm Where: N25 (Science 1) Room 1.28 Who: Anyone is welcome. More details on the What's On page.
Committee |
12:04pm |
If you look at the Committee page you can see a list of the devoted fools that will be running the club. Places still open!
Draft Constitution |
11:47am |
Over at the Constitution page you can download a draft of the constitution. Read it, and if you don't like something make a suggestion.
Go to the join page! |
9:42am |
If you're interested in this club, make sure we can contact you. Go to the Join page for more info. Plenty of people are interested, but you need to get on the mailing list so we can tell you when the meeting's gonna be.
Welcome to the new site! |
12:30am |
Woohoo! Looks like this club might actually be going somewhere! Tell all your friends about this club! Anyone can join. Stayed tuned to this site for updates and info on the club's progress. Once the inaugural (big word for 1st) general meeting has been booked, everyone who's interested will be notified. Then we can really get the ball rolling with some actual gaming. Regular LAN events are planned. Take a look around the site and see if you like it. We're gonna be bringing you heaps of gaming goodness all year round!!! |
What Was On |
First LAN of 2004 |
6th 2004 9am - 9pm |
University Nathan Campus, N06 Patience Thoms (Asian Studies) Room 0.18 |
Play games and do other LAN stuff! Just chill out and relax in the comfort of the air conditioned rooms. You also get to use the huge private outdoor balcony for eating. The balcony can even be used for for outdoor LANning if you like the great outdoors, but nobody has to go outside if they don't want to. I know that many of you like staying indoors and playing games all day :) There are 2 projectors so we can watch stuff too... or you can bring along your PS2 games (we have a PS2), XBOX, or GameCube and play on the big screen. Griffith
University Nathan Campus, Brisbane, QLD Maps: Lost? Call mikk: 0401 728 636 or Conrad: 0413 771 855 Don't forget to bring:
Cost: $4 (to cover room hire) You'll get your membership card too. Your static IP address is from your membership number (we'll tell you more on the day).
First LAN |
22nd 2003 9am - 9pm |
University Nathan Campus, N06 Patience Thoms (Asian Studies) Rooms 0.18
and 0.14 |
Play games and do other LAN stuff! Just chill out and relax in the comfort of the air conditioned rooms. You also get to use the huge private outdoor balcony for eating. The balcony can even be used for for outdoor LANning if you like the great outdoors, but nobody has to go outside if they don't want to. I know that many of you like staying indoors and playing games all day :) There are 2 projectors so we can watch stuff too... or you can bring along your PS2 or XBOX and play on the big screen. Griffith
University Nathan Campus, Brisbane, QLD Maps: Lost? Call HMuffin: 0413 771 855 or mikk: 0401 728 636 Don't forget to bring:
Cost: $4 (to cover room hire) You'll get your membership card too. Your static IP address is from your membership number (we'll tell you more on the day).
Inaugural General Meeting |
8th 2003 1pm-2pm |
(Science 1) Room 1.28 (Griffith University Nathan Campus) |
At the inaugural general meeting, the club will be properly formed.
After this the people running the club tidy up a bit of paperwork and the club gets approved officially by the uni. Then the regular gaming events (LANs!) will start, and sheer gaming goodness will be ours... |
©2002 Griffith University Computer Gaming Club. Page content and design by mikk.