Welcome to the Website of Guelph4ever, proud Papist and Ultra-montane Black Guelf |
Why This Website Is Here This website is here because I am a proud neo-guelph "papist" and I believe the Pope is a very important figure. In fact, it is no exaggeration to say that the Supreme Pontiff is the most important person in the world. I am not a professional historian by any means (that should be obvious) but I am fascinated with the lives of the popes, the unmatched history of the papal succession and the rise and fall in papal power over the centuries. I am a convert to Catholicism from south Texas and I LOVE the Church. It does not bother me in the least to be called a guelph, an ultramontane, a papist, a reactionary or intransigent; in fact I would take all such epithets as compliments. I hope you enjoy looking around and remember to pray for our Pope. God bless |
Official flag of Guelph, Ontario | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Guelphs & Neo-Guelphs in short Pray for Pope Benedict XVI True & Legitimate Authority TX Papal News & Commentary My Papal Biographies Pope St Sixtus II Prayer Page Pope John Paul II Tribute Pope Innocent III Tribute Pope Benedict XVI Tribute |
Special Cases in Papal History Pius XI & Christ the King Day The Power of Peter Papal Families of History The Venerable Pope Pius XII The SSPX: Enemies of the Pope The "Bad" Popes of History Recommended Papal Books The Saga of the Papal Tiara Can East and West Unite? Hollywood Popes Papa Della Chiesa Fighting for the Pope The Warrior Popes of History Links to Papal Websites Roman Catholic Goth Catholicism & Classic Horror |
Guelph colors on the Florence flag | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
My Catholic World View The State of Vatican City A Short History of the Guelphs The Gallant Charette Queen Christina of Sweden My Imperial Roman Pages John Paul II & Tradition . . . . . . |
Papal Coronations The Green Scapular -it works! The Authority of the Pallium Catholic Center Party Proposal Pictures of Pope Benedict XVI Radical Christianity Pio Nono in the Risorgimento The Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem Holy Fathers on Horseback Popes and Caesars Protections of the Pope Catholics & the British Monarchy Canadians Fighting for the Pope The Papal Crowns Pope Benedict XVI and Royalty |
PETER'S PENCE: Pennies for the Pope | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
This page is dedicated to the patron of Bologna, Milan and England: Saint George as well as the patron of all the Roman Pontiffs: Pope Saint Peter I | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Pope St Sixtus II Pope St Leo the Great Pope St Gregory the Great Blessed Pope Urban II Pope Innocent III Pope St Pius V Pope St Pius X Pope John Paul the Great |