Camp and holiday scheme suggestions for evidence Module 10 - holiday facilities |
Sandra's guide pages |
Camp and holiday scheme home Module 1: Plan a residential event Module 2: Administer a residential event Module 3: Plan for safety and security of self and others Module 4: Organise catering arrangements Module 5: Make health and first aid arrangements Module 6: Organise and maintain equipment for activities Module 7: Prepare and co-ordinate a programme of activities for Brownies Module 8: Prepare and co-ordinate a programme of activities for Guides Module 9: Prepare and co-ordinate a programme of activities for Senior Section Module 10: Organise the care and maintenance of residential facilities Module 11: Organise the care and maintenance of campsite facilities Notes: 1. syllabus information comes from my copy of the Training Opportunities: Camp and holiday scheme book, (c) The Guide Association 1998. As such it may or may not be up to date. If you want a copy it is available from the Trading Service, order code 64782. 2. evidence suggestions come from my own experience and may or may not be suitable for your situation... but I hope they will give you something to start from. |
Element 10a: Make arrangements to assess facilities available (suggested methods of assessment: record) * details of your site visit - eg. photos from last holiday there, diary entry?? * details of accommodation - from site info sent by venue, website * floor plan of venue, scribbled when you visited * photos of venue taken by self or from site brochure or website * notes of access, from discussion with site contact - vehicles, disabled, public access * checklist of needs of event (number of people, rooms etc.) ticked off for this venue * note of fire extinguishers, blankets & smoke alarms? * checklist of extra equipment needed - beds, bedding, furniture, safety needs Element 10b: Allocate facilities for use (suggested methods of assessment: record, question, discussion, observation) * floor plan of building with planned use for each room etc. * note of how sleeping rooms were allocated * list of occupants for each sleeping room * note or poster of which girls are assigned to which room, or if they can choose their own. Element 10c: Ensure the upkeep of building and facilities (suggested methods of assessment: question, discussion, record) * checklist of facilities filled in on arrival - damage to building, contents , everything working, nothing missing etc. * signs reminding participants of proper use of facilities (eg. no feet on chairs, don't sit on the tables) * written record of any damage, preferably signed by site owner or warden etc. Element 10d: Operate daily routines (suggested methods of assessment: question, discussion, observation) * copy of duty rota * explanation of duties, including which staff member is in charge of what * photos of duties taking place * timetable with duty times highlighted * copy of room inspection checklist if appropriate Element 10e: Return facilities in good condition (suggested methods of assessment: observation, witness statement) * checklist for self before leaving * note signed by site contact stating facilities returned in satisfactory condition * note from site contactt saying they will not be doing a final check * photos of tidy venue after use * photos of personal kit packed & ready to go * photos of empty bins! * photo of self locking door / setting alarm on departure! |