Camp and holiday scheme
suggestions for evidence
Module 5 - Health and First Aid
Sandra's guide pages
Camp and holiday scheme home

Module 1: Plan a residential event
Module 2: Administer a residential event
Module 3: Plan for safety and security of self and others
Module 4: Organise catering arrangements
Module 5: Make health and first aid arrangements
Module 6: Organise and maintain equipment for activities
Module 7: Prepare and co-ordinate a programme of activities for Brownies
Module 8: Prepare and co-ordinate a programme of activities for Guides
Module 9: Prepare and co-ordinate a programme of activities for Senior Section
Module 10: Organise the care and maintenance of residential facilities
Module 11: Organise the care and maintenance of campsite facilities


1. syllabus information comes from my copy of the Training Opportunities: Camp and holiday scheme book, (c) The Guide Association 1998.  As such it may or may not be up to date.  If you want a copy it is available from the Trading Service, order code 64782.

2. evidence suggestions come from my own experience and may or may not be suitable for your situation... but I hope they will give you something to start from.
Element 5a: Establish availability of suitable facilities
(suggested method of assessment: observation)

* note of source of water supply
* if water supply not mains, certificate of suitability for drinking
* list of equipment needed
* list of equipment supplied / available at site
* "packing list" of equipment you or others need to take
* notes to people asking for equipment / record of phone call asking people for same
* photo of toilet / washing facilities
* note of how many toilets, sinks etc. are available / needed
* plan of venue showing toilets, washing, first aid facilities
* note of when, how & by whom toilet & washing facilities are to be cleaned
* "these toilets were last cleaned..." note from toilet wall (like in restaurants!) ??
* receipts for any equipment that was bought
Note: if systems are not in regular use they should be flushed through
Note: Equipment required is listed in
Health and Hygiene

Element 5b: Plan waste disposal procedures
(suggested method of assessment: observation)

* note of site guidelines / arrangements for waste disposal (sometimes this comes with site info, otherwise note of your discussion with site contact person)
* photo of waste disposal facilties (in use?)
* at camp, photos of grease traps, pit if using chemical loos
* copy of duty rota including who's job it is to dispose of various types of waste
* note of anything recycled?? (eg. bottles, cans, paper packaging)
Note: see also
module 4 - catering facilities

Element 5c: Have an up-to-date knowledge of emergency aid and incident management
(suggested methods of assessment: record, question, discussion)

* copy of first aid certificate or First Response etc.
* copy of local medical details (eg. notice from wall of first aid room)
* dummy treatment record (not a real one unless permission has been given)
* blank accident book
* note of procedure for getting GA accident forms (via District Commissioner??)

Element 5d: Check first-aid supplies
(suggested methods of assessment: record, question, discussion)

* list of "use by" dates on existing first aid supplies
* list of first aid kit contents
* list of recommended first aid kit contents from appendix 2 of
Health & Hygiene
* shopping list for supplies
* receipts (or copies of) for supplies needed & bought
* description or photo of first aid kit & medicine lockbox
* note of who has access to first aid box & medicines
* copy of health form with medicines listed (not filled in with confidential information)
* list of contents of kitchen / outings / other first aid kits

Element 5e: Identify needs of individuals

(suggested methods of assessment: observation)

* copy of letter specifying collection dates & arrangements for health forms
* description of form filing procedure / arrangements
* note of allowances in programme / accommodation for "needs of individual" (physical, social, religious, cultural etc.)
* leaflets on environmental effects (eg. tick borne encephalitis, poisonous plants)