Things to do with last year's Christmas cards |
Sandra's guide pages |
Games and challenges Find a (robin, angel...) or describe a particular card (it's silver, with an angel ...) and the first to bring it gets a point. A variation on this is that only one member of each patrol may touch the cards and she is blindfolded - the others have to shout directions (left a bit, up a bit...) to help her find the appropriate card, and make sure she only listens to her *own* patrol's shouts! Once she's picked it up another member of the patrol takes it to the leader. Or each patrol chooses secretly something they think will be on lots of cards, see who can collect most of their chosen "thing" (eg. baby, present, robin etc.) You could assign "things" if you don't want them to all choose the same one... Build a house of cards (unsupported) Build a tower sticking them together with tape. Play a version of 52-card pickup... throw all the cards in the air & see who can collect most in 2 minutes (might get a bit violent though) For a quieter game in small groups, play pelmanism with the split halves - find both halves of the same card. Sit on chairs in a circle, name them alternately "robin", "angel", "tree", "star" and play all those circle games, calling out whichever of the 4 is on the next card in the pile. When your "name" is called... - run round the circle until "Christmas" is called then grab a seat (while the guider has meanwhile removed one chair), or - change places with someone else (either take chairs away each time or just have one short & the caller stands in the middle & has to grab a chair), or - move one seat left, if there's someone there then sit on their lap. ...and so on Crafty activities Make a scrapbook with some of them. Cut circles out & staple them into globes as decorations for next year.... or make the globes & use them as balls in an energetic ball game! Make boxes (see Christmas Resources) Make gift tags |