Sandra's guide pages
An hour long patrol challenge - a basic dollar market
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As patrols the girls have one hour to do as many of the challenges as they wish.  Some of the challenges are best done as a patrol, others in ones or twos.  As long as nobody is left out there are no limits on how many people do each challenge.  The objective is to earn as much "money" as possible.  Each patrol starts with €5. 

The equipment for each challenge costs €1, and if it is completed to the moderator (guider)'s satisfaction the patrol earns between €2 and €5 (after each challenge it says in brackets how much can be earned).  Patrols may not repeat challenges.

Things for guiders to bring:

? instruction sheets
? counters/ toy money/ etc. (The maximum they can earn is 81 units per patrol.  I used counters - small counters were £1, large counters £5)

Section 1: about the house

A. make a cuppa for a guider (3) ? kettle, ?extension lead, ? mugs, teaspoons, ? tea, coffee, milk, sugar,
? cloths etc. for cleaning up

B. ironing (5) ? ironing board?, iron, ? clothes, coathangers? ? extension lead?,
Beware guides who turn the iron down from full heat and expect it to be cool immediately... so use it on nylon trousers (yes really)

C. wire a plug (4) ? plug, screwdriver

D. clean a car window (3) ? cloths, cleaning liquid, ? car!

E. change a lightbulb (2) ? desklamp with 2 bulbs

F. cookery quiz? (3) ? 4 copies of quiz, pens

Section 2: mind bending

G. wordsearch (3) ? wordsearch, ? pens   [
you can put in a list of words and get out a wordsearch on the Puzzlemaker site here.  The words I used were BADGE, LETTER, CAT, LIGHTBULB, CLEAN, MAP, COFFEE, MONEY, PAPER, CONUNDRUM, PATROL, COOKERY, PLANE, EARN, POISON, ROPE, EGG, SCREWDRIVER, FUN, SLING, GADGET, SONG, GUIDES, TOWER, KNOTS, TRY, LAW, WIN].

H. tongue twister (2) ? 4 copies of words [
I used "she sells sea shells on the sea shore"]

conundrum (2) ? 4 copies of puzzle

J. With each hand pick up one end of the cord.  Without letting go of either end, tie a knot (4) ? piece of cord or string, about 80-100cm long.  [
The trick to this is to lay the cord on the table in front of you, fold your arms and THEN pick up the cord - when you unfold your arms it will be tied in a knot.]

K. build a magic cube (5) ? 27 small cubes (lego?), 3 each of 9 different colours.  [
this is a 3x3x3 cube where each side consists of 9 different colours - no 2 cubes the same colour should be visible on the same side]

L. cross the river on stepping stones (4) ? rope or chalk (to mark river), ? 3 broadsheet newspapers as stepping stones [
mark out a "river" nearly the width of the hall and the girls must get the whole patrol across without leaving the 3 stepping stones]

Section 3: traditional guiding

M. tie a reef knot, a clove hitch and a sheetbend (5) ? string, ? knot book?

N. clean a badge (3) ? old style badges, ? metal polish, cloths

O. make a sling (3) ? triangular bandage, safety pin

P. map reading (4) ? OS map, instructions

Q. recite the 6 guide laws without books (4) ? handbook (to look up laws)

R. make a tripod (4) ? 3 bits of gadget wood & string OR 3 pea sticks & thread

Section 4: be different

S. cat’s assault course (2) ? remote control cat, chairs [
you may need to adapt this one if you don't have a remote control cat! (doesn't everyone...) maybe into a blindfold obstacle course for guides]

T. make a poison pen letter of at least 3 sentences (3) ? newspaper to cut letters from, ? plain paper, glue

U. make a paper aeroplane which flies the width of the room (2) ? paper

V. build a tower which will hold and egg at least 1 metre above the ground (5) ? lots of newspaper & sellotape
? 4 hard boiled eggs!

W. sing a song – everyone must join in, it must have at least 2 verses (3) ? ?paper/pens

X. be a proof reader (3) ? 4 copies of
badly written paragraph, dictionary, pens
Girls' sheets - need one per patrol


Proof reading challenge
A full dollar market