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First Aid Quiz 1
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1 What must you think about if you come across a casualty who has fallen off a high ladder?

2. What causes shock?

3. List 3 things you can do to guard against shock after an accident




4. How can you help prevent hypothermia in babies or the elderly?

5. If you are out sailing and a friend falls into the very cold water, what should you do?

6. If you have an unconscious casualty, the first thing you do is send someone to call for help.
What four things would you do while you were waiting for help to arrive?  Write them  down here in the right order.





7. Imagine you come home and you find your little brother unconscious on the floor, with a  bottle of tablets scattered over the floor.  There's nobody else in the house.  What should  you do?

8. If you don't know what has happened to a casualty, why is it dangerous to move them?