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Guiding Quiz (easy)
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1. When did guides start?
a) 1907
b) 1939
c) 1910

2. What was the first guide handbook called?
a) How girls can help build up the Empire
b) Scouting for girls
c) Girl Guides Today

3. Who was the World Chief Guide?
a) Robert Baden Powell
b) Olave Baden Powell
c) Agnes Baden Powell

4. What is WAGGGS?
a) An abbreviation for the Guide Association in the UK
b) An abbreviation for the worldwide Guides organisation
c) An abbreviation for an annual guiding event

5. About how many countries around the world have guides?
a) 40
b) 80
c) 140

6. What are guides in the USA called?
a) Girl Scouts
b) Pathfinders
c) Girl Guides, the same as here

7. What are rainbows in Canada called?
a) Gumnut guides
b) Jeanettes
c) Sparks

8. In this country at what age can you start rangers?
a) 13
b) 14
c) 15

9. What do the three fingers of the salute represent?
a) the three parts of the promise
b) the three people who started Guiding
c) the three guiding sections (brownies, guides, rangers) which existed when the salute was started

10. There is a "flame" at the bottom of the World Badge.  What does it represent?
a) the outdoor part of guiding
b) the safety aspect of guiding
c) the flame of love of humanity
ANSWERS: 1c, 2a, 3b, 4b, 5c, 6a, 7c, 8b, 9a, 10c