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Retrieve the Stolen Crown (World Cup)


The Queen`s crown was stolen when she visited the Commonwealth Games (Football world cup stolen from the finals) by a criminal gang.  Each member of the gang is from a different commonwealth (world cup) country.  To ensure that none of the gang members cheats the others, they all go home with one word of the 6 word clue to where the crown (cup) is hidden,  planning to meet up at a later date when the fuss has died down to retrieve the stolen item.

Your task is to visit the 6 commonwealth (world cup) countries and retrieve the words to the clue, work out what it means, find the crown (cup) and claim your reward!

You will be given a map showing the location of 12 countries.  Only 6 are in the Commonwealth (world cup).  If you don`t know which are the countries you need to go to, you will have to visit them and check.

(Then give each patrol a map with 12 bases (countries) marked on it)


12 Bases -   6 x dummies with non-commonwealth (football world cup) countries.  Have the name of the country at the base with `this is not a commonwealth (football world cup) country` written on the back where it can`t be seen from a distance.

6 x commonwealth (football world cup countries) with the following activities at each:

a) Bribe person to give you the word -  make something sweet on a portable cooker in exchange for the word  (manned)

b) Creep in and steal word in the dark - Blindfold one of the patrol.  Then show the others where the word is some distance away.  Others have to direct the blindfolded girl to the word, tell her how to retrieve it from it`s container and get her back to the base.  The rest of
the patrol have to stay at the base when shouting instructions to the blindfolded girl. (manned)

c) Crack a code to find the word – the word has been put in code to safeguard it.  The patrol has to decipher the code to find the word. (unmanned)

d) Compass directions to the hidden location of the word – Have compass directions at the base that direct the patrol to the hidden location eg 20 paces N, 5 paces SE,etc  The patrols can be given a compass each at the beginning of the game if it is not secure to leave them out, or given directions to return to camp to get one and then return it. (unmanned)

e) Take the word whilst under fire – Base is defended by criminals with water pistols.  They will have to get the word whilst under fire (YLs?).  The defenders cannot physically stop the guides reaching the word, only fire water to soak them!

f) Retrieve the word from a secure location - Mark off a rope circle and cut two lengths of string the diameter of the circle and tie a pencil to either end of both bits of string. Place a cup (preferably with a rim) on a brick or similar, with the word folded in it, in the centre of the circle and challenge the group to get the cup out using just the string and without touching the inside of the circle or dropping the water.  If the cup touches the floor inside the circle an alarm will go off.

At each of the 6 bases they will geta word from the phrase
                  `AID HERE IN TIME OF NEED`
which is a clue to the location of the stolen item in the first aid tent.

From Lynne, 124th Sheffield Guides, via GuidingUK
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