Sandra's guide pages
2 meetings based on first aid
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First Aid: 2 meetings @ 1 hour each.
These meetings are for adults who know a reasonable amount of first aid to get guides thinking about the issues involved.

First meeting
More to make guides think about issues involved rather than to do any formal teaching.
4 incidents, 15 minutes for each
4 groups (by age / experience rather than patrols?) circulate.
Guides arrive – they have 5 minutes to act as first aiders, 10 to discuss with adult.
Will need extra adults, at least 4 first aid qualified or knowledgeable.  Preferably extra people for casualties.
It might be possible to start the evening as a surprise - just send a group outside to meet a guider, the first thing they see is a realistic "accident".  Not to be risked with highly strung girls!

Don't forget: the first emphasis is always avoiding danger to the first aider!

1. Fall down stairs
Location: half way down so it’s awkward to get at the casualty.
Props: none.  Person set up to have fallen down the stairs. 
Casualty: Conscious at first, complains of back pain, especially when moving arms or legs.  If guides deal with this ok, casualty becomes unconscious!
Emphasis on spinal injuries – what to do, what not to do.
If time: Recording pulse, breathing rate.  What to do if / when casualty becomes unconscious.

2. Motorbike accident
Location: outside hall.  Note – may have to notify police
Props: bike, biker!  Possibly some fake blood.
Casualty: motorcyclist been knocked off bike by car driver who’s driven off.  Conscious, leg trapped under bike.
Emphasis on crush injuries (not moving if length of time is uncertain) and non-removal of helmets etc.
If time: gathering information from witnesses, car crashes (turning off ignition, when to move casualties), extra casualties (has anyone wandered off?)
Note: if you can't find a friendly biker (I have a good contact!) then this could be a "car crash" or a push bike accident. 

3. Broken glass
Location: kitchen? 
clear plastic disposable glasses (used to simulate broken glass), fake blood!  Wounds with glass?
Casualty: was carrying tray of glasses, slipped on wet floor, glass and blood everywhere!
Emphasis on direct control of bleeding if possible, otherwise indirect; not trying to remove bits of glass.
If time: Checking for further injuries (broken bones, hidden cuts, etc.)

4. Electric shock
Location: hall, near power point
Props: mains electrical appliance.
Casualty: unconscious, breathing – appears to have received shock from faulty appliance.
Emphasis on making situation safe by turning off electricity (only if this is impossible should they move casualty away from source).  Checking response, ABC.
If time: recovery position, basic resuscitation

Second meeting

Same groups
1. Danger, response, airway, check breathing & pulse.

2. Resuscitation
Get mannekin (from EHQ?)

3. Bleeding
Treatment by pressure, elevation

4. Breaks, sprains, strains
Get crepe bandages & practice applying!