Sandra's guide pages
The games pages
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Games with balloons

Ball games which keep everyone involved.

An absolute beginners guide to cricket - for anyone who can't quite work out what those grown men are playing at...

Environmental games
- "games with a point" about the water cycle and food chain.

International board games
- from my unit's site.  A board and rules for Alleyway (played in Eastern Europe) and links to easily usable versions of Tapatan and Mancala

International games

Games for small numbers - struggling with games because your unit is too small for the typical ones?  Have a look here.

Games which keep everyone moving
- with some preparation

Games with no equipment

Compass points game
- can your girls tell their east from their northwest??  A relay or circle game

Co-operative games - non competitive and team building games

Guiding game
- history of guiding relay, very useful for Thinking Day & other occasions

Icebreaker games - for getting to know people or getting people talking to each other.

Label games - about the relatioinships and the labels we wear

Noisy games - not necessarily running about

Outdoor games

Quiet games - many with blindfolds & creeping about

Quietish games - not too riotous but not silent

Refugee games - how does it feel?

Relationship games
- "games with a point" for making girls think about how they treat others

Relay games

Running games

Silly games

Silly Christmas games

Water games - for those summer days (or evenings?)

Wide games
(to play outdoors)

Winding down games
Games links Jayne's Game Archive - if you're ever stuck for a programme idea, why not check out this archive of over 200 games! Their aim is to make this one of the largest collections of games on the web... some silly kids games games for girls aged 9-11 from Canadian guidezone site. playground games, skipping rhymes, all sorts of games!
- some popular games (mostly noisy ones) my guides have played recently
Games pages