Healthy Lifestyles - Excercise and Fitness
Sandra's guide pages
Healthy Lifestyles

The Five Zones

Get moving every day
Something to think about and a discussion exercise.

Games are the obvious way to get your girls moving at meetings.  Here is a small selection.  I’ve tried to concentrate on games where everyone joins in the whole time (rather than relays or games where girls take turns to play) as for fitness purposes this is preferable.
Games with no equipment or preparation
Ball games
Games with some preparation or equipment

Getting out and about in meetings
If your guides spend all of their meeting time in the hall then there's room in your programme for much more movement - and movement encourages fitness!

Getting out and about in the dark
Especially during the winter months we are often tempted not to take the guides out because it's so dark.  Here's a few things you can try whatever the time of year.