Law dilemmas
Sandra's guide pages
from Guiding magazine, December 2000

Act out some dilemma dramas, based on skills & relationships.  Girls should work in small groups.


On a cold winter’s evening you are all wrapped up in warm clothes and taking a walk along a towpath with a group of friends.  Suddenly you hear a scream and a splash.  Looking around, you see that a stranger has fallen in the water.  Two of you are really good swimmers…
What would you do next?  Use the drama to lead into a discussion about water safety and emergency procedure.

Helen and Lizzie are doing work experience as receptionists for a firm of solicitors.  The head of reception leaves the 2 girls in charge while she pops out for 15 minutes.  Helen files her nails & ignores the phone. . Lizzie is polite, helpful and deals with the people who call and visit in the appropriate manner.  Meanwhile, the director of the firm is watching…
Act out the scene including what happens when the director takes action.
Lead into a discussion about how to treat visitors and new people who come along to your unit.


Zoe’s older sister, Sarah, turns up at 7pm on a Thursday night.  She asks Zoe to look after her baby nephew right at that moment, and then leaves.  Zoe was about to go out to take some geography notes to a boy she really likes.  She puts her nephew to bed and he immediately falls fast asleep.  Zoe’s friend, Alice, comes in to say that the boy is waiting for Zoe at the end of the road…
What happens next?  Decide what Zoe should do and act it out.
What you’ve finished lead a discussion about responsibility.

Base a drama & discussion evening on lots of issues you have thought of yourselves, such as boys, drugs, crime…