getting outdoors - trails, wide games, etc.
Sandra's guide pages
Scavenger hunts

Scavenger hunts with a difference - for older girls.

Divide the Guides into groups and give each group the following instructions

Something ALIVE and something DEAD
Something suitable for a BED
Something NEW and something OLD
Something GREEN and something GOLD
Something SMOOTH and something ROUGH
Something PRETTY and something TOUGH
Something SOFT and something HARD
All arranged neatly on a CARD

Then send them off the find the items. They also have to find the card.
[Catherine, GuidingUK]

Star gazing
On this page you can produce your own star chart:
You can tailor-make it to your bit of sky; ie put in where you live and the date and time and it gives you the star chart representing the sky you would see out of your window.

For younger girls get each to draw a star on a piece of paper and then get into groups to depict a constellation, all standing or sitting in the appropriate place.
[Jo, GuidingUK]

Wide Games and incident hikes
There are some great wide games on Doreen's site at, most of which require very little preparation.  Smugglers & excise, Find the supplies, Robin Hood & Maid Marian, Continents.

Wide games on this site
An incident hike for a unit meeting

Cooking outdoors

Try solar cooking - cook hot dogs in a Pringles can!

Things to cook on a barbecue

Doreen's outdoor cooking resource (LOADS of ideas!)  Click on "outdoor cooking resource" from - it takes a while to load but it's worth it.


National Be Nice To Nettles Week (I kid you not!)

Activity ideas with plants - to do at the meeting, in parks etc. Nature’s calendar
Other things to do outdoors
pictures of various pioneering projects.  Also links to lots of knots pages, and some info on making shelters
Outdoor games