Make a simple parachutist
Sandra's guide pages
You will need:
* a plastic bag
* 4 lengths of thread, each about 18 inches long
* a weight (eg. a lump of blu-tak or a few paperclips)
* a needle


1. Use the needle to make a tiny hole in each corner of the bag.
2. Feed a piece of thread through each hole.
3. Tie all the lengths together (making sure the lengths are about even).
4. Attach your weight to the knot.
5. Stand on a chair to launch your parachutist.

* If it falls too fast use a lighter weight
* Make sure the strings are untangled before you launch!
Fundraising idea: make a slightly larger parachute for each girl from a man's cotton handkerchief and hold a "sponsored" teddy bear parachute jump.