patrol challenge
Sandra's guide pages

* You may attempt as many or as few challenges as you like.
* The challenges may be done in any order.
* There will be a small prize for the winning patrol.
* You will only get full points if the guider thinks you have completed the challenge satisfactorily (guider's decision is final!)

1.  Plan your idea weekend away / sleepover for next term:
• 1 night or 2?
• Which month (Sept / Oct / Nov / Dec)
• local or miles away?
• how to travel?
• where to stay - hall, holiday house, camp, someone's house
• what to do???
(40 points)

2.  Plan your meal for our patrol cooking competition in 2 weeks.  You will be provided with a picnic barbecue, you must bring anything else you need.  Your meal should be 2 courses.  Don’t forget a shopping list.
(30 points)

3.  Sort out your challenge badges with one of the guiders.  (this will involve remembering what you've done at guides over the last year or so!)
(10 points per guide)

4.  Make & try 3 person skis – time yourself to travel the length of the hall.
(10 points)

5.  Label all the parts of the tent on the diagram.
(20 points)

6.  Sew a badge on an adult’s camp blanket PROPERLY!  (if it’s likely to come off or if it’s really untidy you get no points)
(20 points for each guide who does this)

7.  Make a ballista to fire a table tennis ball to the other side of the hall.
(30 points)

8.  Produce a programme for next term’s meetings.  You must include 5 "Go For It!" sessions and at least one outdoor activity.  You might like to think about an end of term outing or party, other events (eg the residential event you planned in 1.), special times or festivals (eg. Halloween, Christmas etc.)
(50 points)
Each patrol was given a pile of bits:
* A copy of the challenge sheet
* spare paper and pen/s
* 2 planks of wood (which we have in our cupboard)
* string
* instructions for the Ballista, printed off from Chelsea Guides site.
* garden canes, elastic bands, a disposable cup and a table tennis ball.
* a diagram of a tent with arrows pointing to parts such as main guys, side guys, pegs, sod cloth, dollies etc.

- half of the guides that night were working on their camp blankets.  This challenge kept the others occupied for about 1 1/4 hours without getting in the way of those unaccustomed to dealing with sharp needles!
- I forgot to bring the tent diagrams so they were offered the chance to draw a tent & label it instead.  Neither of the groups took us up on this, probably because only a couple had camped before and all claimed to be incapable of drawing a tent!
- we found it very interesting to see what the girls came up with for the sleepover and the term's meetings.  Some of the answers were very different from what comes up when we just ask for ideas of what they want to do.  It was well worth doing for that reason alone.  And they even seemed to enjoy it!
