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A Little Girl's Eyes
Author Unknown

"I'd like to be a Brownie"
(Her eyes were deepest blue)
"I'd like to learn and play and sing,
Like Jane and Ashley do."

"I know how to use scissors;
I can cut cloth if I try.
I'm eight years old, a big girl now,
And hardly ever cry."

I gave her the application
And parent participation sheet.
(Her eyes were filled with sunshine
as she left on dancing feet.)

Next day my friend was back again.
No longer wearing the smile she'd had.
"I guess I'll skip the Brownies"
(Her eyes were dark and sad).

"My mom is awfully busy,
She has lots of friends , you see,
She'd never have time for a troop,
She hardly has time for me."

"And dad is always working,
He's hardly ever there.
To give them any more to do
Just wouldn't be fair."

She handed back the papers
With the dignity of eight years
And smiling bravely left me,
(Her eyes were filled with tears.)

Do you see your own girl's eyes
As other people may?
How she looks when you're "too busy"
Or, "just haven't the time today"?

A girl is such a special gift,
Why won't you realize,
It only takes a little time,
To put sunshine in her eyes.

You say "I'll start tomorrow"
But tomorrow is far away.
She's little for such a short time
So won't you start today?
Could this be you?

Could you spare a little time to help some younger folk?
They're keen to learn ,love games and fun, and also like a joke.
Many Brownies, Rainbows and Guides are feeling rather sad:
Their leader's leaving, or she's gone - although they're not that bad!

If no-one else comes forward, their units will close down,
No weekly meetings to enjoy, nor outing up to town.
They'll miss the games they love to play, and all the things they learn,
And as for younger sisters- they'll never get a turn.

No special skills are needed - just time and patience too.
There's a really friendly District team to show you what to do.
"But where have all the Guides gone? "I'm sure you want to know.
"Those maiden aunts , and dear old folks who did it years ago?"

Those people aren't around these days, its down to me and you,
To give our time, make lots of friends, and help the youngsters too.
It's all too easy just to sit, and hope for someone new,
But Guides and Brownies now are run by people just like you!

(posted to guidingUK by Verna)
Standing in front of a group of people (eg. at a parents meeting) and asking for volunteers is a sure fire way to get silence and no raised hands.
Go for the personal approach - once you've found someone who might be good & might be interested, get her interested.  Don't lay a guilt trip on her - fill her with enthusiasm instead.  "Look what you could be doing with the girls!"  Talk to her one on one.  Explain that she gets help - training, local support, etc. but don't offer anything she's not going to get.
Once you have recruited a new leader, follow up.  If you get a volunteer, make sure she is placed with a unit SOON.  Make sure she's not drowning in the system, that she's getting the training she wants or needs, etc.

NARRATOR   - Girl Scout Leader Uniform
WOMAN      - Pleasant & well dressed
Girl       - Casualdress (not in uniform)

NARRATOR - The story you are about to hear is too oftentrue.  The names have been changed to protect the innocent
(Dragnet tune)

GIRL - This is the city-beautiful, smog free____________________ (yourcity) where (hundreds, thousands) of girls between the ages of 6 and 17 comb streets in search of a Girl Scout Leader.  I'm one of these girls.  I'm NOT a Girl Scout.  The reason for this? NO leaders.
(Dragnet tune)
This was Saturday, Sept. 25th..  I was on day watch in my neighborhood same old story-looking for Leaders.  I saw many new faces but always the same old story - no one had the time.  A nice looking well dressed lady was coming down the street. She had a pretty smile and looked like she'd be a lot of fun, just the right type for a leader!  I approached her.  Could I have your name, Ma'am?

LADY: Well hello, little girl.  I'm Marion Johnson

GIRL: and your age, Ma'am Would you tell me how old you are?

LADY: (looks distressed) My age?  My but you're a tall little girl (she changes the subject) You must be almost 4½ feet tall.
GIRL: Yes, ma'am I am. Now could you tell me your age?

LADY: Well, I'm over 18! Now what is this all about?

GIRL: The facts Ma'am, just the facts.  You see you have to be 18 or older to be a Girl Scout Leader - ever been one?

LADY: A Girl Scout Leader! Heavens no!

GIRL: Do you have any girls, Ma'am?

LADY: Well, yes.  One is 7and one is 12

GIRL: Where were you on Monday Sept. 20th  Ma'am, between 4 and 5 p.m.?

LADY: well, let's see now, I was getting my hair done.

GIRL: And on Tuesday the21st same time?

LADY: Oh, I play bridge on Tuesday afternoon, I was a my Bridge Club

GIRL: And on Wednesday the 22nd what did you do between 4 and 5 p.m.?

LADY:     well I'm taking a course in ancient history.  We're studying the Renaissance girl

GIRL: The Renaissance girl Ma'am?  Seems to me modern girls can be just as fascinating and we need you a whole lot more!! Howabaout Thursday ma'am, how do you spend your time on Thursdays?

LADY:    Ho, I always attend the fashion show and tea at my club on Thursdays.  I have to be there!  I'm chairman of the potato chip

GIRL: (Shakes her head sadly, Says determinedly) and Fridays, what abaout Fridays Ma'am?

LADY:    Surely you don't expect me to be a Girl Scout Leader on Fridays-what that's the only day I have to myself!!

GIRL: I'm sorry Ma'am, You'll have to come along with me to Girl Scout Headquarters for further questioning. 
(Dragnet tune)
NARRATOR: The case of Marion Johnson was tried thenext week.  She was found guilty on all counts of evading Girl ScoutLeadership thus
causing untold unhappiness to the girls of her city. She was sentenced to three years of pleasant fun as a Girl Scout Leader but liked it so
much she remained until both her daughters were 17.   Today she is a completely rehabilitated productive member of society and has become a member of the Board ofEducation, thanks largely to her experience in Girl Scouting. 

(Dragnet tune)


(from WAGGGS-L)