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Games for small numbers
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10-up (needs a minimum of 6)

Divide into 2 teams. The aim is to pass a ball between the team members 10 times in a row without dropping it or the other team intercepting it. They can't pass the ball directly from hand to hand it must be thrown and they can't throw it to the person who passed it to them (so teams must have at least 3 in). This works better with smaller units as with large numbers people sometimes get left out and never touch the ball.

Poor Pussy

Sit in a circle with one person in the middle as the pussy. The pussy crawls round on her hands and knees, goes up to someone in the circle and miaows as plaintively as possible. That person has to pat them on the head (gently!) while saying "poor pussy" 3 times. If they laugh or smile they become the pussy otherwise the pussy moves on to another player.


Sit in a circle and start off the following rhythm (don't go too fast!):
Clap hands on thighs
Clap hands together
Click fingers on right hand
Click fingers on left hand

When you start off the rhythm say the following verse with it:
Are you rea-dy?
O-K, Let's go!
The game then continues with the leader saying her name on the next right click and someone else's name on the next left click.
The person named then says their name on the next right click and someone else's name on the next left click and so on....
Anyone who misses an entry or breaks the rhythm is out (or loses a life)

A variation is to start with
Con-cen-tra-tion now begins,
Keep the rhythm.
Don't stop.
Types of (or Names of)"

and then types: food, animals, clothes; names of boys, girls, countries, cities. We go clockwise round in a circle. Some categories get a bit hard in a big unit!

STATIONS (about 8 girls minimum)
4 girls stand in corners of hall (STATIONS) rest of the pack are the TRAINS.  In secret tell the 4 stations how many trains they can let in and get the others running around (we sometimes liven this up by asking them to impersonate EXPRESS trains, etc!)  After a period of running clockwise around the room, blow a whistle and all trains queue up at one of the stations. Ask each STATION to say how many
trains are allowed and the last to arrive are OUT!

With a small unit you could have 2 or 3 stations rather than 4.

Suitable for any number of players, indoors or outdoors.

To Play: Players number 1, 2, 1, 2, etc., and then scatter around the playing area. Each number 1 pretends she has been bitten by a mosquito on the back of the neck, which she swats with one hand and then holds that hand to her neck. Each number 2 pretends she has been bitten by a mosquito on the back of her knee, which she swats and holds on to. Players chase each other.  When a neck-bitten player is caught by a knee-bitten player, she switches from neck to knee (or vice versa). Play to exhaustion.
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